Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Something I have never done before....

Can Fruit.
It was time consuming, but easy for the most part. I just found some directions on-line, bought some of the cool jars that look like they came from grandma's house and then went to the local fruit stand. I became so inspired with myself I ended up making freezer jam the same day. This I did learn to do last year and again ~EASY!
I have now done canned peaches and made two kinds of jam (raspberry and blackberry). Next is to can pears and steam cook then freeze green beans. All of which is bought and ready to go.

It does feel good to know that the time, money and effort now will taste so good in the colder months to come.
What is it your cooking, canning, or freezing to get ready for the fall and winter months?
~Blessings, Marla


Tanya said...

Marla- Where did you get your peaches from?

Alison Agnew said...

Where did you get your jars and how much did you pay (if you don't mind saying)?

What website did you use for the recipes?

Thanks...looks yummy!

May Flower Mama said...

I got my peaches from Young Stocks in town. They were .98 cents a pound and oh so juicy!

The jars I just found at Target, $7.98 for 12.

Thanks for asking I hope this helps.

May Flower Mama said...

Sorry I forgot to leave the web site I got my recipe from...

They have step by step picture instructions.
Something I need.

BrOwN CiRcUs said...

Loving the family blog...I really enjoy having our family blog and use it as a journal. PS... I have never canned and am completely intimidated by it...Kudos!

Janice said...

I am going to get peaches when we take Brandon to school and actually can some this year. When my kids were little I use to do 5-6 boxes of peaches a year. Hopefully I'll remember how!! Good job marla - I'm impressed!!! Miss ya!!

Shannan Martin said...

We are so on the same wavelength! I also made freezer jam - peach raspberry. It's so good...and SO sweet!