Thursday, September 9, 2010

Not so Martha

Sometimes a mama just wants a GREAT dinner to serve to her family, tonight did NOT end up as one of those nights in our house.

I found what looked like an amazing dish online today and even better then that I had all the ingredients in my kitchen. We were having "Raspberry Cream Cheese French Toast Casserole" (say that ten times fast!) I was foaming at the mouth with the thought of breakfast for dinner.

I got in and made it before football practice...

Set the time bake so my hungry athlete wouldn't have to wait long once we walked in the door...

Then came the moment of truth, would this be a new family favorite we would years from now pass on to future generations....

I think not! It was pretty bitter in some places and a lot soggy in others. OH WELL, sometimes you get it and sometimes you don't. We ended up making the "Blue Box" of pasta instead.
Here's to not being a perfect cook and our kiddo's being okay with it!
~Blessings, Marla


Kristi said...

Thank goodness for the blue box...

I've had a few mishaps in my dinner serving career as well. Thankfully "breakfast for dinner" makes a quick replacement!

Janice said...

It looks fabulous - too bad! Don't you hate that?!?! We often had hot dogs to the blue box of pasta!! :-) That makes it gourmet!